Get to know me tag

1. What is your middle name?

I don't have a middle name, all my brothers do but my parents decided to hyphenate my name so it's all one.

2. What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is purple. It's changed as I've grown up from pink to blue but I'm pretty settled on purple at the moment.

3. Who was your first best friend?

My first best friend was a girl called Melissa who I went to nursery and reception with, who also lived over the road from me. We even had matching glitter jelly shoes.

4. How tall are you?

I am 5'1. I'm the shortest person in my family which everyone takes great pleasure in reminding me and making fun of me when I can't reach something. (Why do shops have to place products so high?)

5. Cats or Dogs?

I'm not a massive fan of either but my aunt has a cavalier king Charles spaniel and he is just the sweetest dog ever and has a soft spot for me when we go over he always comes over to me and spend the majority of the time with me so I love him so I'd probably go for dogs.

6. Funniest moment throughout school?

I don't know if I have a specific funny moment that I remember but I did have an amazing form tutor for the first couple of years of secondary school and he was really funny and was always doing fun things. Probably the greatest teacher I've ever met.

7. How many countries have you visited?

One. In secondary school we went on a long day trip to Boulogne in Northern France which was amazing. I would love to visit other countries though.

8. Are you in/have you gone to college?

Yes I went to a West Herts college and I studied child care and social care.

9. What was your favourite/worst subject in high school?

My favourite subject in school was English I absolutely loved English but also once it got to GCSE's I studied childcare which I equally loved. My worst subject in school (or in life in general) was maths I am so incredibly bad at maths anything to do with numbers I struggle with even remembering phone numbers.

10. What is your favourite drink?

My favourite fizzy drink is probably Dr pepper. My favourite soft drink is probably Strawberry Ribena. Most of the time though I drink no added sugar flavoured water.

11. What is your favourite animal?

I absolutely love owls, I've got so much owl related stuff it's crazy.

12. What is your favourite perfume?

My current favourite is Victoria's Secret love addict fragrance mist.

13. Tea or Coffee?

Neither I don't drink hot drinks don't really like them.

14. What would you (or have you) name(d) your children?

I don't have any children but I love the names Hazzel and Emelia.

15. What sports do you play/Have you played?

I've never played sports properly but when I was younger me and my next door neighbour spent time during the summers playing badminton.

16. What is your favourite book?

This is an impossible question for me I love to read so have so so many favourite books. I love anything by John Green, I love Zoe Sugg's Girl online books and like I said so so many more. (I'll probably do a post on my favourite books soon).

17. Who are some of your favourite Youtubers?

Zoella, pointlessblog (Alfie Deyes), Sprinkleofglitter (Louise Pentland), Sacconejolys, Kendall Rae, and many more. (I'll probably do a post on my favourite youtubers soon).

18. What is your favourite movie?

Again this is a hard one for me because I love movies but at the moment the new live action Beauty and the Beast film has come out on DVD so it's probably that.

19. Are you single or taken?

I'm currently single.

20. What's your idea of an ideal fisrt date?

I love picnic's so maybe that or going out exploring somewhere new. I think as long as you like the person and you get on well together anyway it doesn't really matter where you go or what you do as long as your having fun together.

21. How many Boyfriends have you had?

Properly probably one.

22. Favourite childhood memory?

I don't know I've never really properly thought about it, I have lots of good childhood memories but also my childhood wasn't the easiest, but the memory that first came to mind was probably one of my earliest memories and one of the only memories I have of my Grandfather and it's of him sneaking us children into the kitchen for sweets while the other adults were in the living room talking.

23. Do you speak any different languages and how well?

I don't really speak any languages, I did languages in school and was quite good at French but since leaving school I haven't kept it up so I probably wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with anyone without accidently insulting someone.

24. Do you have any siblings?

Yes unfortunately I have three brothers, one older and two younger so I'm the only girl.

25. How would you describe your fashion sense?

Totally goes with my mood, if I feel lazy it'll be leggings or joggers if I feel good and upbeat i'll dress up a bit with a pop of bright colours.

26. What is your favourite restaurant?

I don't really eat out but Jamie Oliver's restaurants are pretty good.

27. What are some of your favourite tv shows?

I enjoy watching documentaries and dramas but some of my favourite tv shows are Pretty Little Liars (insert distraught crying face, how is it over), Criminal minds, Dance moms and crime documentaries. (I'll probably make a post on my favourite tv shows soon).

28. PC or MAC?


29. What phone do you have?

I have a Samsung Galaxy 5J 2016 Android phone.

30. Tell us one of your bad habits.

I play with my hair way too much, I'm always running my hands through my hair and twiddling it round my fingers.


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