
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Soham Murders - Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

On Sunday August 4th 2002, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were reported missing at 9.45pm by their parents after the girls hadn't come home from buying sweets. Earlier on in the day the girls had been at a barbecue at Holly's home in Red house Gardens, Soham, Cambridgeshire. At about 6.15pm the girls went out to go buy some sweets and on their way back walked past the house of Ian Huntley the caretaker at the local school but the girls never came home. After the girls were reported missing the police released a photograph taken only hours before the girls disappearance of the them wearing Manchester United replica football shirts and a physical description of each of them.  In the early days of the search for the missing girls a women living in the village of Little Thelford claimed to have seen two girls who matched the appearance and clothing of that of Holly and Jessica walking past her home on the morning after they were reported missing. On August 7th police seized

Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory

When Denver International Airport opened on February 28th, 1995, construction had fallen behind schedule by 16 months and $2 Billion over budget. The final cost for the airport was $4.8 Billion, which people wondered what the money had gone towards as it was a lot of money. The airport itself is 35,000 acres, which is almost twice the size of the next biggest airport. Most of the original cost increases and schedule delays were caused by changes to the size of the airport, including widening and lengthening concourses and adding an automated baggage system.   The airport's runway looks like a Swastika. An aerial view of the airport runways seems to resemble the shape of a Swastika. An airport representative has said the runways are designed that way so that they can be used simultaneously no matter the weather since none of the runways overlap. They told the UK's The Telegraph "We think the shape looks like a pinwheel". The airport's dedicatio

My Netflix watch list.

If you're like me and spend more time watching things on the Internet or watching the Internet on the TV then you probably have a Netflix account. I don't know why but I'm always interested to find out what other people are watching/want to watch, so I thought I'd shared my Netflix watch list. Shadowhunters The Mortal Instruments (TV Series) - currently watching   Shadowhunters is based on the amazing books by Cassandra Clare (if you haven't read them you definitely should) following Clary Fray a normal newly turned 18 year old whose life suddenly gets turned upside down when she finds out she is a shadowhunter and her mother gets abducted by a group on rouge shadowhunters calling themselves The Circle.  Minions (Film) - Watched Minions is the prequel to Despicable Me and recounts the story of their villain  worshipping history. The Breakfast Club (Film) - To Watch The athlete, the brain, the criminal, the princess and the basket case break through

The kidnapping of Charles Brewster "Charley" Ross

On July 1st 1874 Charles Brewster Ross nicknamed Charley or occasionally little William Penn (due to his serious manner) and his brother Walter Ross aged 5 or 8 (one place says 5 another says 8) were playing in the front yard of their family home in Germantown, Pennsylvania when a horse-drawn carriage pulled up and two men approached them offering candy for a ride they boys agreed and the men rode to a store where Walter was given money and told to go inside and bug some candy for himself and Charles but when Walter came out he found that the carriage had gone without him and Charles was never seen again.  In 1874 there were little to no abductions or if so they went unacknowledged, kidnapping was so rare that it wasn't even a criminal offence in Pennsylvania at the time of Charles disappearance. The boys father Christian Ross reported to police that his son had disappeared and at first they were unconcerned saying that the men where probably drunk taken Charles for a laugh an

Get to know me tag

1. What is your middle name? I don't have a middle name, all my brothers do but my parents decided to hyphenate my name so it's all one. 2. What is your favourite colour? My favourite colour is purple. It's changed as I've grown up from pink to blue but I'm pretty settled on purple at the moment. 3. Who was your first best friend? My first best friend was a girl called Melissa who I went to nursery and reception with, who also lived over the road from me. We even had matching glitter jelly shoes. 4. How tall are you? I am 5'1. I'm the shortest person in my family which everyone takes great pleasure in reminding me and making fun of me when I can't reach something. (Why do shops have to place products so high?) 5. Cats or Dogs? I'm not a massive fan of either but my aunt has a cavalier king Charles spaniel and he is just the sweetest dog ever and has a soft spot for me when we go over he always comes over to me and spend the ma